Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Windows vs. Mac Security. One of these operating systems has a destructive virus built in

Oh the irony. So here I am watching the last Steve Jobs keynote (the aluminum iMac introduction) on my Dell Windows Vista laptop (the one I use for testing the software I write, and incidentally use to surf the web when in bed) and Windows logs out on me without warning.

Why? Well to update Windows of course.

It's funny how Windows thinks that it's OK to shut down my computer without so much as a by your leave in order to patch itself, since -- presumably -- the reason you patch your computer is to fix security problems and bugs, each of which could potentially cause your system to crash without warning or corrupt your data.

In contrast to this, when my Mac patches itself, its updater patiently waits for me to restart.

I'll take the OS without malware built in by design, thanks.